BUY CANNABIS ONLINE LUXEMBOURG. Adults in Luxembourg are permitted to use cannabis recreationally and medicinally under certain conditions. In June 2023, a law was approved by the nation’s parliament to legalize adult use of cannabis at home, recreational usage, and the cultivation of up to four plants per family.

Luxembourg joined other nations in legalizing cannabis for adult use at the end of June 2023.

The second country in the European Union to legalize cannabis for adult consumption is Luxembourg (1). Cannabis possession and personal use cultivation are now legal according to their new reform laws. Adults are now permitted to grow up to four plants and possess up to three grams thanks to the new law. Public use is still prohibited, and offenders risk fines ranging from $27 to $500. 38-22 was approved into law (2). Order Cannabis Online Luxembourg.

“The cultivation, from seeds, of four cannabis plants per domestic community is authorized for adults,” stated Minister of Justice Sam Tanson. Consequently, private drinking for personal use is permitted. The plants must not be visible from the public road, and the cultivation site must be either the domicile or the habitual habitation. Simultaneously, a streamlined criminal process is implemented for specific actions that are still forbidden, such as adult individuals using, possessing, transporting, and obtaining up to three grams of cannabis in public for personal use alone (3)

Although adult cannabis growing was authorized in October 2021, legislators had not yet decided on personal possession restrictions or formalized the regulations. As a result, the changes’ implementation was delayed. The new law needs to be published in the Official Gazette in order to go into force. BUY WEED ONLINE LUXEMBOURG.

In 2018, Luxembourg legalized medical marijuana. In 2001, it also decriminalized cannabis.

Malta became the first nation in the European Union (1) to legalize cannabis for recreational use in 2021.  There are currently no established routes for social use or legal sales in Luxembourg. BUY CANNABIS ONLINE LUXEMBOURG.

Josée Lorsché, a Green Party member of the Judiciary Committee in Luxembourg, made a suggestion that the government will oversee cannabis sales and cultivate the plant under controlled conditions.

In line with the most recent statement (4) from the Ministry of Justice:

“The law of July 10, 2023, which provides for the legalization of domestic cannabis cultivation under certain conditions and amends the amended law of February 19, 1973, concerning the sale of medicinal substances and the fight against drug addiction, was published in the Official Journal on July 17, 2023. On Friday, July 21, 2023, the fourth day from the day of publication, it will come into effect.



  1. Branfalt, T. Luxembourg Finalizes Cannabis Legalization Reforms (accessed Jul 19, 2023).
  2. Sabaghi, D. Luxembourg Legalizes Cannabis for Personal Use (accessed Jul 19, 2023).
  3. Jaeger, K. Luxembourg Parliament Votes to Legalize Marijuana Possession and Cultivation, Making It Second EU Country to End Prohibition (accessed Jul 19, 2023).
  4. Jaeger, K. Luxembourg’s Marijuana Legalization Law Will Take Effect This Week, Government Says (accessed Jul 19, 2023).